Once upon a time, James Bond was a genuine badass.
Now, James Bond is only a symbol of manliness for the confused consumer, who doesn’t have any better role models in his life.
The newer James Bond movies, with Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig, may have turned out great–had they not been jam-packed with not-so-subtle advertising and product placement.
But I don’t blame the director. I imagine it’s hard to make a great movie when you’re not allowed to shoot a single scene that’s not specifically written for the purpose of making a sponsored product look cool.
There is a scene where James Bond sits on a train and chats with his female agent. For no reason this conversation ensues:
Female agent: Rolex?
James Bond: Omega.
Female agent Beautiful.
Very subtle.
James Bond movies are 2-hour commercials. As pictured: Aston Martin, an Omega watch, a pair of glasses (?), Alfa Romeo, Sony VAIO, VAIO, Range Rover, Sony Ericson, Ford.
Brands, Progressive Obsolescence & the Confused Consumer
Brands can have different associations depending on geographic location.
IKEA in Scandinavia means “cheap, practical, decent-quality furniture”.
IKEA in other places, notably Asia, means “high quality furniture, innovative design and fancy Scandinavian style.”
Not only is the IKEA brand looked upon differently, but it has HIGHER status in Asian countries.
To use Christine Frederick’s concept of progressive obsolescence–(the act of buying new stuff without needing it)–IKEA in Asia would be more likely to influence an average consumer to buy new IKEA products for the sake of:
a) their aesthetics and/or the stimulus of novelty;
b) the expression of status that comes with the ability to say:
“I’m such a badass that I just REDECORATED my ENTIRE apartment with IKEA’s latest spring collection of MATCHING furniture!”
Laugh all you want.
People all around the world act like this . .
Especially the confused consumer.
But. . . even a smart and rational person can act like this.
And it CAN be worth it–if:
1) You genuinely like the (brand) product and it makes you happy. . .
(Because you feel that you are supporting a cause that you believe in; like high quality, locally produced, or environmentally friendly, to name a few.)
2) Or if the (brand) product gives you more value than its monetary cost.
You could distill both of these arguments down to this:
The (brand) product must add value
1) can be called “psychological value to self”
2) can be called “total value.”
This concept might be a little bit tricky to get your head around, but try to follow me on this one, because I’m making a point. . .
Just Because You Buy Brands or Expensive Products Does Not By Default Mean That You Are a Confused Consumer
A rapper who buys diamond rings and gold chains may actually get MORE total value out of his purchase than the many thousands of dollars they cost.
Yes, it’s true.
Even more monetary value!
“How?” you ask?
Because when the rapper does that, LOTS of lower class people (who are the main demographic of rap) become more likely to listen to what he has to say, and will buy his album.
It may well be worth it.
How do I know?
Because it’s been done.
An OBESE, unattractive, BROKE, former CORRECTIONAL OFFICER turned himself into a massively (pun intended) successful rapper by doing this. . .
He took out huge loans to finance expensive cars, clothes, designer glasses, watches and glimmering jewelry, so that he could FAKE the external signs of success.
His name is “Rick Ross”.

Rapper Rick Ross. A (MASSIVE) master at personal branding.
A name that he STOLE from a well-known (and feared) cocaine kingpin who was in jail at the time.
Rapper Rick Ross is one of the best examples in the world of the “fake it til’ you make it” adage.
Say what you want about him. . .
But Rick Ross is no fool. He has consistently pursued a deliberate long-term strategy.
He invested into himself by building his personal brand.
And that is how he managed to become a successful artist and businessman in a competitive industry: Rap.
To become a successful mainstream musician–especially a rapper–you need a captivating image. You need LOTS of glitz and glamor, or you cannot tap into the very limited attention span of the confused consumer.
Although he panders to them, Rick Ross is not a confused consumer.
But lots of less intelligent rappers ARE. They have a few hit songs, make some fast money, then spend it all on expensive jewelry for no good reason.
I’m sure they think the jewelry is cool and appreciate the product, but, does this appreciation amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars?
I think not.
Unlike Rick Ross, these rappers are not pursuing a consistent strategy. They’re throwing $100,000–that they BARELY have–on jewelry that they don’t know what to do with.
If succeeding in the rap industry is like going to war, then these rappers are buying a helicopter that they don’t even know how to fly. . .
For Rick Ross, the jewelry is a weapon. These other rappers–the confused consumers–they’re going into war unarmed.
And that’s why they get slaughtered.
The vast majority of people in the world are just like these rappers.
They’re confused consumers, who buy overpriced stuff that doesn’t help them win the war.
Defining the Confused Consumer
Consumer society wants its citizens to be confused consumers.
Because confused consumers buy more stuff (that they do not need) and keep the economy running smoothly and predictably for those who run it. This is not some evil ‘Illuminati-type’ thing, with old men sitting ’round a table scheming and plotting, it’s just a by-product of capitalism.
The ultimate confused consumer is a person who:
- Has little or no awareness of the cultural traditions, customs, and rituals he habitually engages in. Plus he likes everything that’s popular (he is the PERFECT victim for a devious mastermind like Edward Bernays).
- Walks around with a constant feeling of stress and discontent. He also believes in quick fixes (and consumes junk food, stimulants, and drugs to find temporary relief).
- Practices progressive obsolescence without being told to do so.
- Has low self-esteem, is lazy, and instead of making something out of himself–and exercising the unprecedented upward mobility of the 21st century–he buys aspirational brand products.
- [Whose] Mental tribe is contaminated with popular culture personalities and brand personas. He looks up to James Bond and Rick Ross.
- Has no creative outlet or path to mastery for expressing himself. He is limited to expressing his personality through consumption.
- Buys expensive (brand) products with money he does not have, without any clear strategy for why he’s doing it, and so the monetary cost outweighs the total value he receives.
Do you know anyone who fits this description?
If so, please call this number _________ and turn them in.
If life is WAR–and in many aspects it is–then the confused consumer is going in unarmed.
If you consider his strategy; how he’s spending his resources, and what supplies he’s buying, you’d think he’s going on vacation–not Normandy.

The next time you consider buying some new product, ask yourself:
“How will this help me WIN the war?”
Why Do People Buy into this Crap?
Why do men become confused consumers?
Because it’s a psychologically comforting idea.
In the midst of his shitty life, it gives the confused consumer something to look forward to–or, as said by a marketing director of BMW:
My job is to make sure that every American over the age of 18 falls asleep every night dreaming of a BMW.
It’s a lot easier for the average man to buy into the belief that if he just buys stuff (pun not intended), but not just any stuff: luxury products–he can become happy, achieve a sense of well-being, and become respected.
If he can buy these things he’ll send out social signals that he is lovable and worthy of reverence.
“Look at me, I am part of the cool people’s club!”
Like a rapper on TV who has grillz (the stupidest status product ever made), expensive jewelry, and brand clothing.
Like James Bond driving an Aston Martin, wearing an Omega watch, and designer glasses.
The Implications of Consumerism on Modern Society:
Edward Bernays believed that people should be turned into consumers through psychological manipulation and cleverly crafted PR material (propaganda), even if that meant CREATING demand for nonsense products.
Today: people all over the world are eating “large hearty breakfasts” full of highly processed bacon and crunchy, sugary, cereal that “satisfies their desire to overcome obstacles”.
Not to mention drinking overly fluoridated water, smoking cigarettes, and engaging in cultural traditions that they have no idea what they are for.
Christine Frederick believed that women would become empowered if they bought the newest clothes, beauty products and household appliances. And that the practice of progressive obsolescence would make the world flourish.
Today: it is probably true that modern women (at least in Sweden) are better dressed than ever. At the same time their complaints about the superficial standards imposed on them through advertising are reaching an all-time high. And progressive obsolescence is ruining the environment.
Ernest Dichter believed that by uncovering the hidden psychological purchasing motives, companies all around the world would be able to provide superior products, and the economy would evolve positively.
Through the consumption of brand products people would unite and prosper around common interests, and the world would become a happier place.
Today: companies are using highly advanced psychological methods to pander products geared at instant gratification to confused consumers.
These people all genuinely felt they were making the world a better place.
Given modern consumer culture, do you agree?
I don’t.
Branding, done through efficient advertising and marketing, puts a brand–a perceived personality–inside of your mental tribe.
Most people, confused consumers, probably have quite a few brands occupying their mental space.
And, I don’t know about you, but. . .
I would prefer to place the greats of history in my mind instead.
Only after you have FREED yourself from the insanity of mainstream media, popular culture, consumerism, and removed brands or other unnecessary personalities from your 150 Dunbar’s number slots will you. . .
Attain autonomy of mind.
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Your last paragraph on this page is really powerful. I live by this as well. I barely have any materials and if I do buy clothes (for need purposes), I make sure I buy ones without any logos on it. Just plain black t-shirt and nice fitting white shirts.
“Only after you have FREED yourself from the insanity of mainstream media, popular culture, consumerism, and removed brands or other unnecessary personalities from your 150 Dunbar’s number slots will you. . .
Attain autonomy of mind.”
^ Absolutely.
I hope there will be more on this. I’ve benefited from reading all 4 parts!
Thank You
Looking forward to more…
I love this article, so beautifully written.
Hey I just got through your 75 practical tips and implemented like 10 of them this week. Immensely helpful stuff, especially the diet stuff as I was clueless of that, really appreciate the brevity & potency. Thanks.
here are 2 posts by Neil Patel that shows how expensive product can add value
Hey Ludvig.
I was just about to pitch my content to an influencer, and looked up your article on it(back when I first read it, I didn’t use a commonplace) to make sure I had everything. It appears that it might have been deleted, just leads to a 404 page not found. I’ll look it up on webarchive, but just thought you might want to know.
Hey Jakub,
I see.
Well, it was on Victor’s site. I can’t control what he does with it. Thanks for letting me know though.
Not sure where Jakub was looking or if this is the article he meant, but your article is certainly still up on B&D: http://boldanddetermined.com/2013/12/12/the-shockingly-easy-way-to-get-people-to-do-what-you-want/
Thanks Andrew, but it was another one — related to pitching via email.
Hey, I’m a relatively new reader — found your site maybe 2 weeks ago.
I don’t know if I agree that the main demographic of rap is lower class people…or maybe I just got a bit offended by it since I listen to it myself. In either case an interesting read, and I agree with you.
Question: How would one go about to attain autonomy of mind? Could you explain it more?
Haha! Rap is Ludvig’s favourite genre of music. By lower class he is referring to financial status. Can you argue with that? It is what it is right?
Haha, I didn’t know that. I guess I overreacted a little bit, and it is easy to get the wrong impression over the Internet! :P
And yeah, I suppose you’re right, it is what it is.
Ludvig, when you get the time, please explain autonomy of mind.
How to achieve autonomy of mind:
Eliminate these influences from your life:
–Popular culture and everything mainstream
–Consumerism (don’t be a confused consumer)
–Other aspects of social conditioning (different in each country & culture)
Do this instead:
Read books, study great people, and hang out with successful people and implant them into your Dunbar’s number (your mental tribe) .
“I’m such a badass that I just REDECORATED my ENTIRE apartment with IKEA’s latest spring collection of matching furniture!”
Hahhaha no one would say that where I am from, but I am admittedly not Asian tho!
By the way did you know that IKEA failed in the U.S when they first came there? Obviously they succeeded later, but not initially.
I did know that.
“Once upon a time, James Bond was a genuine badass.” I’m pretty sure he’s been a fictional character all along, and also that the movies have always included paid product placement.
I don’t agree that a smart and reasonable person can be influenced by brand identity. If someone is genuinely pleased by the image or brand (not the qualities) of a particular product, this is evidence that said person is not, in at least this respect, smart or reasonable.
I would not say the upward mobility of the twenty-first century is unprecedented. In America, at least, I believe that upward mobility was greatest in the nineteenth century.
Senseless consumption may keep the economy running, more or less, but it hardly keeps it “running smoothly and predictably”. Consumption that serves no real purpose is easily interrupted, resulting in instability and recessions.
“[The confused consumer] is limited to expressing his personality through consumption.” An excellent observation. The consumer is also /distracted/ from important and meaningful things.
There’s more to autonomy of mind… I’m interested in what you plan to say about it in the future.
“I don’t agree that a smart and reasonable person can be influenced by brand identity.”
Could you explain more?
“Reasonable”, I can agree. But does it say anything about someone’s smartness/intelligence, necessarily?
I would also be interested to hear more on autonomy of mind.
Semantics. I don’t think an irrational person is smart, regardless of their learning/reasoning /potential/ (I.Q.). I see three necessary components to being “smart”:
Raw “intelligence”, aka I.Q. or g-factor; this is one’s innate ability to grasp abstractions, learn, remember, etc. It is both the most important in that it puts absolute limits on what one’s mind can do, and also the least important in that by itself, lacking knowledge and reason, it is entirely useless.
Knowledge; obviously one must have adequate knowledge concerning the things with which one deals directly, but a smart person also has a broader base of knowledge that allows him to see how everything fits together. The person with a limited range of knowledge can be fed all kinds of bullshit because he doesn’t recognize the pieces that don’t belong in the puzzle.
Reasoning; that is, the habit of applying reason to all things. Maybe this is what Ludvig means by “autonomy of mind”, maybe not. The rational person uses his intelligence to apply his knowledge, and thus recognizes when his knowledge is insufficient to make judgements. There are many, many people who have good intelligence and substantial knowledge but choose not to apply reason to some or all aspects of life. These people are unable to recognize the gaps in their knowledge or the flaws in their preconceptions; they never really think.
The ideal consumer (or voter, or religious follower) has low intelligence, little knowledge, and no inclination to think, but the person who rarely thinks makes a perfectly satisfactory consumer, even if he has a high I.Q. He never examines his own desires or beliefs, hence he never discovers any need to learn about the ways in which he may have been manipulated. If challenged in any way, he reinforces his position by “rationalization” (i.e., psuedo-thinking) or merely by echoing what has been force-fed into his mind. He is, in this respect, stuck in homeostasis, digging a rut along the path of least resistance.
Thanks for explaining on that…
“These people are unable to recognize the gaps in their knowledge or the flaws in their preconceptions; they never really think.”
I haven’t thought about this myself, but it would make some sense. Pretty interesting I say!
“merely by echoing what has been force-fed into his mind. He is, in this respect, stuck in homeostasis”
Makes me think of something similar: how people — perhaps through the school system — become critical but not good at executing on ideas, only at scrutinizing.
I might add that I think it was very well put in the last paragraph of your comment by the way.
Thanks Keith. Schools often /claim/ to teach critical thinking, but in general they don’t. At most, students memorize criticisms made by accepted authorities, and only within a narrow realm of selected subjects. Actual critical thinking is often actively discouraged, especially if it is politically incorrect or disagrees with the teacher’s opinions.
Schools do sometimes try to teach very limited (specialized) analytical thinking and problem solving, but students in general are highly resistant even to this. They want to just memorize facts and procedures; if given a problem where it is not obvious which procedure to use, they think it is unfair.
A rant on SGM, how cool is that?!?
I’m the “ranty” type, I love it.
I DON’T too.
Haha–sweet. I’m going to send you an email soon, btw.
Just finished reading this series – great work Ludwig. Having some of a marketing background myself, I was thrilled that you managed to educate me on a number of things. Of particular interest was the stuff about Christine Frederick – intuitively I had always felt a feminine edge to much of marketing, consumerism, and the general product life-cycle so it was very interesting to read about some of the origins of that.
Those original “mad men” were absolutely brilliant though, their brains really operated on a level far beyond what many of the best even today can intuit, particularly their abilities to parse different fields together into whole new syntheses.
I think two other modern rappers who absolutely understand the marketing and branding game and have very long term plans would be 50 Cent and Kanye West. Those guys are much smarter than most of their critics. Fiddy has actually worked on and co-authored a book about his marketing (The 50th Law), relating it to power – which is another way of looking at the entire field. A method of wielding power over the decisions people make.
Agreed on Kanye and 50. Eminem and Jay Z too, with their playing on stupid people who believe in some type of music industry illuminati conspiracy {dumbest conspiracy theory ever!].
Otherwise I think Jay Z And Eminem are more subtle in how they portray themselves.
Thanks Andrew. You’re right about “the original (m)ad men”.
Regarding the post from “Orachard”: Another good example is Ikea in the UAE. While in Germany Ikea has a very cheap touch, in the UAE it is seen as kind of status symbol if you buy there.
I loved the Rick Ross story.
I too am amazed by what Apple (Jobs?) has succeeded in doing, but I still wouldn’t buy Apple products.
Even an independent and informed consumer can enjoy pop culture like Britney Spears and manufactured stars such as Kelly Clarkson, just as an independent investor sometimes can (have to, for a while) make money in the stock market doing exactly what everybody else is doing.
Grillz: You are getting old, Ludvig : )
Grillz are way cooler than tattoos, piercings, ripped jeans, Swiss watches or iPhones.
By the way, Rick Ross made me think of the Indian patshati ritual in north western USA (and Canada). During patshati they duel each other for how much of their most valuable possessions they dare burn.
The one who burns the most gets so high status in the tribe that he will gain more (materially) than he lost in the fire.
I’m trying to fit those Indians into the framework of uninformed consumption, not least second rate rappers burning money with abandon without having a plan, as well as of Rick Ross’s studied waste to gain social status (almost exactly what the patshati ritual is about)
Ah, I think the Indian phenomenon you describe is colloquially known as a “potlatch”. A type of humble-bragging contest for the primal rich people ;)
That’s very interesting (about the patshati ritual). Where can I learn more?
Nice comparison between popular culture and investment, Mikael.
Speaking of celebrities, why do you admire Julia Dreyfus (I read it on your about page)? I’m asking because I know very little about her.
Perfect ending to your consumerism series, I enjoyed it a lot.
Btw that ‘Reebok or Nike’ absolutely killed me.
Thanks Nicklas.
A friend showed it to the when we were out a couple of days ago, and I thought it was hilarious too.
A good article series, but I can’t help but bring up and disagree with you on a triviality. The James Bond movies in recent times are excellent. James Bond has partly been about the branding since the beginning – Omega watches and Ashton Martin’s are staples – but this doesn’t take away from the fact that the sets, acting, and action are terrific .Especially with Craig era. And even the luxury items have their place. Bond wears Omega watches because they look great, but also because they are symbols of excellent craftsmanship (then again, maybe this is just years of marketing telling me that they are).
I know this wasn’t the message of the article series, but I’m a movie lover and had to point it out.
You are clearly a bigger James Bond enthusiast than I.
I used to be much into watches myself. Today I own only one which I brought for some of the first money I earned. Then it was an achivement for me. “The craftmanship would garuante the memory of this moment would live on”.
Today I question the craftmanship, these Products havent really evolved anything in themselves since the 1960s. It made them cool back then but..The only thing that has been evolved since is the marketing that I caught on too.
It is made by a accurate machine because it is better that way. The same kind of watches can be bought for a 1/10 of the price if not less. But then it feels just old fashioned. Todays achivement in engineering and achivment the cutting edge electronics produced at a mass-market just as watches used to be.
To me its like buying a replica of the past museum thing. Nice but is it really what they tell you it to be.
I remember once asking people why they would jump at buying an iphone 5 or 6 times the same product by an economical brand, and there reply would “Pal, You can’t argue, the iPhone is iPhone!”
which is basically translated into “I let brands do my thinking for me”.
I have a friend that literally spends 100s of pounds on plain coloured run of the mill t-shirts. Why? Because they are from Armani.
But ironically, this is why I love Apple and Armani. Because they have had this kind of influence. I worship SteveJobs
Apple has that effect on people. Steve Jobs was a damn smart marketer & salesman. I recently read the book “Inside Apple” by Adam Lashinsky. It’s recommended reading material if you’re interested in Apple, organizational culture, branding, or Steve Jobs.
“But ironically, this is why I love Apple and Armani. Because they have had this kind of influence.”
–Yeah, as long as you know what you’re dealing with. Unlike those people you mention with the iPhones.
Amazing post!
I think you missed highlighting something important –
In caveman days when “Ug” developed a new spear-tip, it allowed him to kill the biggest mammoth EVER (all the ladies loved him for it). Because you wanted to be like Ug, you suddenly had to work to make something you could trade with Ug for his spear-tip. Commerce.
This is nothing new – natural selection – but what I think you need to highlight is that, like most things in our modern world, this principle of improvement has been squeezed of all its creative juices to yield the grey, senseless mass which always seems to proliferate.
Thus the “confusion” stems from people mindlessly falling for all the bullshit ads & propaganda in order to get them to buy shit they don’t actually need/want (#3 below).
They become over-stimulated by the lizard-brain’s desire for an orgy, thinking that the “shiny objects” on offer will, like Ug’s spear-tip, somehow get you a harem of beautiful young women in your McMansion “100% guaranteed”.
Although a BMW might be a sufficient accompaniment for some men’s characters, do YOU need one? Do you even need a car when you have public transport? Indeed, Bond doesn’t own his car in most of the films. Why should he? He’s never in England long enough to drive it…. it’s a “company car” ;-)
Instead of companies actually working on creating some sort of result, the majority of people spend their time working out how to cajole more people to give them money (IE increasing power), than actually invest into becoming better at their craft (learn how to make a spear-tip like Ug’s and then go to work with him, giving new buyers lessons in how to hunt mammoths the “Ug” way).
Several questions:-
1) You mention you’d rather keep historical greats in your mind than the mass-produced stereotypes we have today; surely both share parallels (history’s greats often foreshadowed by their propaganda)?
2) I think the gist of what you’re saying is that you have to be careful about who you are influenced by?
James Bond (esp Craig’s) *can* be a great role model if YOU want to live *like* him (IE be a man). In that, instead of thinking “I MUST get this Omega watch / Aston Martin”, you should look at their individual appeal & take note from the aspects of their character you admire (calm under pressure / gets shit done)?
3) This is going to be long.
I’ve been thinking recently that the health of a society – shown through its “economy” – is much like water. That is, the more liquid / free-flowing it is, the more it can grow, and the healthier it is. People seem to place so much emphasis on “having” money, when real wealth lies in its flow.
This is why governments dread the idea of a “bank run” — capital liquidity is shot to pieces.
Therefore, would you not agree that all of your referenced individuals aided the free-flow of our modern system, but now their gains have been pillaged by the mega-corps who’s only intent is to gain more power (“money”) , feeding more “useless eaters”, who’ll then buy rehashed junk in an attempt to “be like Ug”, thus completing the “cycle of sorrow” (the only beneficiary being those who can leverage it for power)?
Sure, both (often) share propaganda-like workings. The difference is that I get to choose. I’d rather have Napoleon in my head than Ronald McDonald. I know Napoleon didn’t ride his fancy white horse up the alps (he supposedly rode on a donkey, or in a wagon) but that doesn’t make him any less of a badass. His legacy remains, and it is inspiring. More inspiring, and practical, than whatever Ronald McDonald might do for me.
2) “I think the gist of what you’re saying is that you have to be careful about who you are influenced by? ”
–That’s exactly right.
You make a good point. I harbor no illusions that people (on a grand scale) are going to wisen up any time soon. History shows that has never been the case, and it is unlikely to ever become true. All I want is for readers of SGM to do so.
Like I said in the article: the confused consumers help the world economy run more smoothly and predictably (similar to what you’re saying about the flow of money).
For someone whose only real ambition in life is to pick up garbage and watch TV, being a confused consumer is fine; buying into advertising and popular culture is fine. But for the aspiring great man, it is a mental disease that must be eliminated at its roots ASAP.
1) Marengo :)
3) Amen! The only solution being to do new things.
Another example that comes to mind when it comes to brands having different associations would be McDonalds, also in Asia. I don’t know if you’ve ever been there, but it’s expensive, like a premium restaurant where you feel like a westerner.
Yes, good example.
Good ending to the series, I learned a lot, look forward to what’s next.
Dude you must live under a rock. What do you think capitalism is? If you have a problem with luxury and the luxury lifestyle then why don’t you move to a hippie commune and ‘get off the grid’. You bring up invalid arguments for marketing, again it’s a pivotal piece to capitalism. But instead, you debate sophomoric (and petty) things such as men living shitty lives (your words) and have to buy a luxury item to feel good about themselves? Huh? Well first off, everything exist from the same substance and from all things the all are one. Nothing is separate, not even the mind of man. The creator made all things and through all things we express ourselves, just the way he made us. So if a guy buys a BMW and has greater happiness then who are YOU to say that’s wrong or bad???? Remove your own blinders.
Pitiful attempt you have made here really.
I think he’s referring to the confusion, not the consumption itself.
What do you mean by “creator” and “everything is the same”?
You come across as a misformed hybrid of the average Joe and some wannabe spiritual/new age ideolog.
Considering that you put in the email address “[email protected]” I’m guessing you’re a troll (it’s hard to tell over the Internet).
You seem to have misunderstood me. My problem is NOT with capitalism (and I never said it was). My problem is with people who are highly maladapted to the capitalistic system–and consumer society–and become confused consumers. Actually, my problem is not even with those people, personally, only with their ignorance.
And yes, I realize the necessity of marketing. I’m only pointing out the extreme examples: Marketing, PR, and consumer culture at its worst.
And no, I don’t have a problem with people owning luxury products. Did you even read the article? I explicitly said “Just Because You Buy Brands or Expensive Products Does Not By Default Mean That You Are a Confused Consumer”
If you’re going to write a rude and argumentative comment, I suggest you read the article first.
Eh, not that hard to tell a troll over the Internet. This one is *not* the subtle kind of troll I have mentioned, it’s much more overt. I don’t know why you dignify it with a reply, let alone try to reason with a mass produced tool. If you keep saying things that make sense, you’ll attract more of this flavor. Trying to communicate with them is a pure waste of time, and trying to placate them is worse.
This is a perfect example of a confused consumer. The end of the post still has the assumption that happiness can be bought, and with a BMW no less.