TV and Multitasking

200429986-001Did you know that “we” now sit with both computer and smartphone while watching TV? Apparently people are so used to multitasking that they no longer get above the sensory threshold of stimulation when they’re watching TV alone. That’s very sad news.

The research mentioned here has become big news in the advertising and marketing business. TV companies now act on this and are working their hardest on coming up with new commercial content, in hopes that it will keep the watcher glued to the TV

People’s attention spans are running out of control.

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The Shallows

the shallows

The Shallows – written by Nick Carr, is an insightful book.

At times it is boring and the point is made very slowly, but overall the main takeaways from the book are very important!

In this post I give a summary of the book along with a few thoughts of my own, then I state my own analysis of the implications of the book.

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