How to Keep a Digital Commonplace

How to keep a commonplace bookWhenever I am surfing online and I find something interesting I add it to my commonplace book. I add all sorts of things into different sections of my commonplace. It could be a quote or an elegant section of a website I’d like to study later.Continue Reading…

W. Somerset Maugham: A Lesson in the Craft

william-somerset-maugham1This post is a summary of W. Somerset Maugham‘s book The Summing Up, in which he writes in an essay-like fashion on a number of topics related to writing and his life.  Maugham was a prolific writer who had a lot of smart things to say about a great many things as you will soon see. As I read the book it became abundantly clear that Maugham’s insights to writing, life, of adjusting to the market and learning through trial and error, are all of a very high calibre. He was a disciplined guy.

Even though it is a rather short book (ca 200 pages), it is a no-bullshit-straight-to-the-point kind of book that one does not read lightly. Every  page is important and it is easy to lose focus and forgo the point.

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The Shallows

the shallows

The Shallows – written by Nick Carr, is an insightful book.

At times it is boring and the point is made very slowly, but overall the main takeaways from the book are very important!

In this post I give a summary of the book along with a few thoughts of my own, then I state my own analysis of the implications of the book.

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The UltraMind Solution – My Notes, Part 7 – (Last One)

In this final part of my notes from The UltraMind Solution I go through how the mental and physical health are connected, stress & relaxation as well what supplements Mark Hyman recommends.

take it easy

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UltraMind Solution – My Notes, Part 6

In part 6 you will learn about ways to boost your metabolism and how different foods and activities influence your metabolism positively or negatively.Continue Reading…

The UltraMind Solution – My Notes, Part 5

(Eating a diet of vegetables, nuts and fruist, especially such as broccoli, spinach and cauliflower will improve your body’s detoxification process)

Alright, this 5th part is going to be about the body’s detoxification, how it works and what you can do to improve its function.

Here’s part 4 in case you missed it.Continue Reading…

The UltraMind Solution – My Notes, Part 4

This post will be about understanding how inflammation in the body takes place and what you can do to reduce/stop it. After reading this post you’ll be more careful with what you put in your stomach seeing as how it contains 60 % of your immune system, remember!Continue Reading…

The UltraMind Solution – My Notes, Part 3

If you didn’t read part 2, go back and do so.

In this you’ll learn more about how the basics of how your hormones work, how they affect your body and finally what you can do to improve their functioning.Continue Reading…