7 Powerful Benefits of Keeping a Workout Log

workout log

This is a guest post by Daniel RichterCEO of StrengthLog, a workout log app for tracking your strength training.

In this article, Daniel outlines 7 benefits of keeping a workout log and explains why it’s a great habit. Continue Reading…

The 13 Minute Workout: How to Maintain Your Physique with Minimal Time Spent

 [How I cut my total workout time in a third and even put on a lot of muscle.]

If you had asked me one year ago, “Ludvig, could you maintain your body by spending a third of the time in the gym, and barely even getting sore?” I would have flat out told you no.

Now, I’m not so sure.

Is it possible to put on weight, gain muscle, and stay in shape without adhering to long conventional workout routines? This has been the case for me the past 6 months.

Let me give you the rundown.Continue Reading…

Book Review: The Leangains Method

I just finished Martin Berkhan’s book The Leangains Method.

It’s a great concept. It’s simple and it works.

I’ve done it for 6 years.

if I were to follow a template for fitness, it would be based on this book.

What I do different has to do withContinue Reading…

Stop Grinding Your Gears: Says Abgrund

If you’ve read my blog for any longer time, you may have asked yourself: “Who the heck is this Abgrund guy?”

Well, you are about to find out.

…. Sort of.

Abgrund has made many interesting comments on the site and it’s got to the point where I’ve met readers IRL, and had them mention him & hisContinue Reading…

Do You Have Low Omega-3 Levels?

ArcticMed omega 3 premiumAlternate title: How to Fix Your Omega-6 to Omega-3 Imbalance and Rejuvenate Your Cell Membranes

I currently have two main focuses in my life: Business and health.

Without money, you can’t do what you want.

And without health, you can’t live.Continue Reading…

15 Lessons Learned from Mikael Syding

Mikael Syding as seen on TV

We had just finished a 2-hour workout and got out of the gym.

—Now I was going to pick Mikael’s brain: was he going to head a new billion-dollar hedge fund, take one of the CEO positions he had been offered, or maybe become a full-time angel investor? It was not an easy decision to make. . .Continue Reading…

Success is Hard: 7 Evolutionary Mismatches You Must Overcome

evolutionary mismatch - blakeThe other day I was at an alumni event from my university. It was really good, and I met some interesting, accomplished people.

–All of them twice my age or more.

There were maybe 80 people at the event, and I was the youngest one in attendance. I benefited greatly from this contrast.

Two other guys under 30 stood by themselves at a table all night, poundingContinue Reading…

Best Practices for Getting Ripped and Killing it (in the gym)

how to get rippedI was talking to my friend Filip the other day (he’s the guy in the image).

We were discussing some of the mindsets and best practices behind getting ripped and having great gym workouts. Or as I call it — the philosophy of rippedness.

It was surprising, for us both, to notice how similar the core ideas of our gym-ideologies are.

In this article I’ve summarized some of our main ideas and practical tips.

Both Filip and I got ripped pretty fast after having set out to achieve that goal. He did it inContinue Reading…