Intermittent Fasting Part 2 – Fast-5 Diet

Ok folks, my approach to this post is the same as in part 1– I’ll present the facts from the book Fast-5, written by Bert W. Herring M.D.

However, I will assume that you now understand the basics.

This book is slightly different because the message is targeted more toward “normal people”, and less toward people who’re into fitness and working out. There’s more of an emphasis on the diet and the process of fasting in this book, and it promotes a feeding gap 5 hours long from 5pm to 10pm followed by a fasting period of 19 hours until 5 pm again the next day.

(I have tried this approach of 5/19 vs the leangains approach of 8/16 and have noticed no major differences. However I find it easier to eat two really large meals with the leangains one because 5 hours isn’t quite enough time for me to get hungry again – I might as well just eat one large meal in that case.)


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Intermittent Fasting Part 1 – Eat Stop Eat Brad Pilon

eat stop eat

In this series I will explain how intermittent fasting works.

Intermittent fasting is popularly known by most people to be when you refrain from eating for at least 15 hours per day, this leaves you with a feeding gap of at most 9 hours.

There are different informational sources (books, websites etc.) and “experts” on IF who recommend different approaches. I intend to summarize what a few of them say, and add in some commentary of my own as well.

I will briefly list the implications of intermittent fasting here in part 1 to save time for those of you who just want the takeaways without deeply immersing yourself into the subject. For those of you who do want to learn more – read on, I’ll go more into depth and show you sources of where you can read more on IF.Continue Reading…

The UltraMind Solution – My Notes, Part 3

If you didn’t read part 2, go back and do so.

In this you’ll learn more about how the basics of how your hormones work, how they affect your body and finally what you can do to improve their functioning.Continue Reading…