Here’s part 1 in case you missed it. You should read all of the parts in numerological order as some information is mentioned in beforehand and will assume that you’ve read the previous parts.
Disclaimer: I am in no way trying to give the impression that I came up with this information and research by myself, all rights are reserved by Dr. Mark Hyman. Chunks of the text may also be directly quoted from the book without me knowing it.
– Helps, protects and repairs DNA, as well as switches it on and off to keep us healthy.
– Boosts/helps neurotransmitters work. Production & removal of E.G dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine and keeps you balanced
– Helps receptors on cells get ready to receive messages from neurotransmitters
– Makes cell membranes more fluid –>more receptive to brain chemicals
– Helps produce PC, the major fatty fluid component of cell membranes
– Is the major antioxidant system. Lowers homocysteine (damages blood vessels through oxidation) and is critical in controlling oxidative stress by helping the production of glutathione.
– Is Key to detoxification by helping recycle molecules needed for detoxification – glutathione.
– Cools off inflammation, through glutathione, which lowers oxidative stress and therefore inflammation.
– Prevents chronic disease.
Children with ADHD/Autism tend to have “slightly quirky” dopamine receptors which are easily disturbed by anything that messes up methylation.
“The single biggest environmental influence you can control is what you eat. Remember, food is not just calories, it is information (nutrigenomics). It tells our genes what to do!”
The Mighty Methylators for mental health: Folate, B6 and B12 – enables & increases the methylation process of the body.
Good sources to help the sulfation process – eggs, fish, seeds in general and poultry. Can supplement with NAC (n-acetylcysteine), ALA and milk thistle.
Methylation and sulfation are two of the body’s most important processes for health. Much more on this later, especially Sulfation!
For now all you need to know is that you need want to increase production of glutathione because is the body’s main antioxidant. Different foods you can eat to increase production of glutathione include eggs, broccoli, walnuts, garlic, spinach, tomatoes, avocado, turmeric (spice) asparagus etc.. You can get it from a lot of dairy products such as milk and cheese as well, however the book takes a very negative stand towards dairy (and gluten) seeing as how most peoples’ stomachs can’t tolerate it very well, and then there’s also the potential danger of all the hormones being pumped into cows and the terrible food they’re being fed (watch King Corn or similar movies for more on that).
You may also supplement with ALA (alpha-lipoic acid) or milk thistle to increase glutathione production.
If you can’t wait until later for more info on glutathione you can read more about it here by Dr. Mark Hyman. Pretty much the same info as in the book.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is necessary for normal development of the human brain and reduces inflammation in the brain.
Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids. In humans, vitamin D is unique because it can be ingested as cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) or ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and because the body can also synthesize it (from cholesterol) when sun exposure is adequate (hence its nickname, the “sunshine vitamin”).
If you aren’t out in the sun for at least 30 min per day you should find ways of increasing your intake of vitamin D. You can take MANY times the RDI when it comes to vitamin d without it being harmful. Actually most individuals who aren’t outdoorsy should supplement vitamin D.
Mental Minerals:
More than 18 minerals are essential for human nutrition. They work similarly to vitamins, as helpers for the body’s enzymes. They are needed to make our bones (calcium), and out blood cells (iron) and for our nervous system. The most important ones for optimal brain function are: Magnesium, Zinc and selenium.
Magnesium – the relaxation mineral: If you are deficient in this critical nutrient you’re statistically twice as likely to die according to a study made on hospitalized patients in The journal of intensive care.
“In fact, in my practice, this nutrient is one of my secret weapons against illness, insomnia, anxiety ADHD and Autism.”
Stress/high cortisol decreases our magnesium levels. Chronically stressed people usually have low magnesium levels therefore.
“Get rid of the magnesium suckers like stress, alcohol, caffeine alcohol and sugar!”
More than 1/3 of the world’s population is zinc-deficient and in some populations up to 73 % are deficient. This is bad because zinc is used by more enzymes ( over 300) than any other mineral, including those that repair DNA, replicate and synthesize protein.
Zinc is important for:
– Your immune system and for controlling inflammation – critical factors for brain dysfunction.
– Very important for activating your digestive enzymes – break down and digest food and prevents food allergies (at least alleviates)
– Zinc also helps the body get rid of heavy metal toxins like mercury by producing a key enzyme called metallothinein.
– If you have an impaired sense of taste or smell it is likely due to zinc-deficiency.
Eat oysters, pumpkin seeds, dairy products, and/or take zinc supplements to increase zinc-intake
A wide variety of foods contain zinc (Table 2) [2]. Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other food, but red meat and poultry provide the majority of zinc in the American diet. Other good food sources include beans, nuts, certain types of seafood (such as crab and lobster), whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals, and dairy products [2,11].
Why pumpkin seeds are awesome – source
Nutrients in
Pumpkin Seeds
0.25 cup (32.25 grams)
Nutrient%Daily Value
Calories (180)10%
Help make thyroid hormone – necessary for proper mood and brain function
Helps make more glutathione – detoxifying and antioxidant.
Helps make fatty acids.
RECAP of healthy eating – “optimize your nutrition”
- You need essential fats – DHA, EPA, PC & PS – for your brain and cell membranes to function!
- Protein (amino acids) is the building blocks of moods, thoughts and memory. They help produce all the neurotransmitters needed for optimal brain function.
- Carbohydrates from whole foods (not processed), especially plants are good because they’re full of phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and fibers.
- Keep the body’s continuous process of methylation & sulfation running smoothly with the right types and amounts of folate, b12, b6, and sources of sulfur in the diet and supplements.
- Get enough vitamin D by being out in the sunlight (avoid sunlight from noon until 2pm when the radiation is the strongest) or take supplements.
- Zinc and selenium are absolutely essential for a happy, healthy brain and body
Here’s part 3!
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Great Information.
Thank you. There is much more to come, this is about 30%