20 Future Skills and My Selection of Expert Advice

Future Skill

[UPDATED: 1/12/2019 – See bottom – 3 more guests]

I’ve been fortunate to meet and talk to many interesting people.

In a recent Q&A, a listener asked me & Mikael what we had learned from our podcasts, and how making them had impacted our lives.

For me, the most important thing has been (and remains) meeting and talking to interesting individuals; learning from masters.

Learning partly from osmosis, partly from research. But mostly from reading between the lines and reflecting on my own.

This article sums up the best advice from Future Skills Podcast yet.Continue Reading…

Proxy Society: Are We Cognitively Equipped for Capitalism?

proxy societyI count the fact that we’re evolutionary mismatched to much of the modern world as one of the most important mind-shifts I’ve had.

One of the biggest evolutionary mismatches is the capitalist system.

We all know that Marxism, Communism, Leftism don’t work. If they did, they would have prosperous companies and happy people. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that if you rob people ofContinue Reading…

Book Review: The Leangains Method

I just finished Martin Berkhan’s book The Leangains Method.

It’s a great concept. It’s simple and it works.

I’ve done it for 6 years.

if I were to follow a template for fitness, it would be based on this book.

What I do different has to do withContinue Reading…

The 6 Fundamentals of a Robust Commonplace


Building a commonplace is one of the most useful things I’ve done in the past 5 years.

It took a while until I had a structure that was easy to use in all areas of my life, but ever since, it’s been very convenient. Because I can use it for all my work projects, studies, writing, and podcasts.

In this article I will show you how I do that.

And, how you can do the same.Continue Reading…

Out Now: The Ultimate Commonplace System

The Ultimate Commonplace SystemI have now completed the Updated and (Final) version of The Ultimate Commonplace System.

It includes 6 Parts and 6 Bonuses.Continue Reading…