Proxy Society: Are We Cognitively Equipped for Capitalism?

proxy societyI count the fact that we’re evolutionary mismatched to much of the modern world as one of the most important mind-shifts I’ve had.

One of the biggest evolutionary mismatches is the capitalist system.

We all know that Marxism, Communism, Leftism don’t work. If they did, they would have prosperous companies and happy people. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that if you rob people ofContinue Reading…

Gut Feeling: When Can You Trust it? A Talk With Poker Pro Annie Duke

Gut feeling

Have you ever wondered if you can trust your gut feeling?

I have, many times.

So many times I wrote a book about it.

I recently talked to Poker Pro Annie Duke about this on Future Skills.

Interestingly, she seems to have a view on this that’s similar to mine.

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My Top 6 Takeaways from Billionaire Martin Sandquist (Future Skills Interview)

“I’m not really the entrepreneurial type but I always liked the independence of trading and also the fact that you’re always judged by just the market.”

~Martin Sandquist

Martin Sandquist is the founder of Lynx Asset Management. Lynx is one of the most successful hedge funds in Europe. They’re classified as a CTA and have 70 employees.Continue Reading…

Stop Grinding Your Gears: Says Abgrund

If you’ve read my blog for any longer time, you may have asked yourself: “Who the heck is this Abgrund guy?”

Well, you are about to find out.

…. Sort of.

Abgrund has made many interesting comments on the site and it’s got to the point where I’ve met readers IRL, and had them mention him & hisContinue Reading…

My New Podcast: Future Skills (first 3 episodes)

Hi friend,

I am happy to tell you that I’ve finally started a new podcast: Future Skills.

And guess what?Continue Reading…

Higher Order Thinking: Your Ticket to the Cognitive Elite

Higher Order Thinking Breaking out of HomeostasisIf being manipulated by horoscopes, fortune-telling, cold-reading, conspiracy theories, and comforting beliefs constitute the most primitive aspects of the neocortex’s craving for truth (and are sure-shot symptoms of being a Homeostasis Dweller), what would be the opposite?

Higher order thinking.

Higher order thinking is the most intellectually sophisticated form of using the neocortex’s predictive abilities. Those who wish to become elite thinkers must master it.Continue Reading…

19 Attributes of Great Men

great men attributes

From my commonplace:

“I went on troubling myself about general
ideas until I learnt to understand the particular achievements of the best men.”



Trouble yourself about this.


1) Prodigious memory.Continue Reading…

My Top Lessons from 2016

2016 ludvig sunström travels

Current Inspirations:

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