UltraMind Solution – My Notes, Part 6

In part 6 you will learn about ways to boost your metabolism and how different foods and activities influence your metabolism positively or negatively.Continue Reading…

The UltraMind Solution – My Notes, Part 5

(Eating a diet of vegetables, nuts and fruist, especially such as broccoli, spinach and cauliflower will improve your body’s detoxification process)

Alright, this 5th part is going to be about the body’s detoxification, how it works and what you can do to improve its function.

Here’s part 4 in case you missed it.Continue Reading…

The UltraMind Solution – My Notes, Part 4

This post will be about understanding how inflammation in the body takes place and what you can do to reduce/stop it. After reading this post you’ll be more careful with what you put in your stomach seeing as how it contains 60 % of your immune system, remember!Continue Reading…

The UltraMind Solution – My Notes, Part 3

If you didn’t read part 2, go back and do so.

In this you’ll learn more about how the basics of how your hormones work, how they affect your body and finally what you can do to improve their functioning.Continue Reading…

The UltraMind Solution – My Notes, Part 2

Here’s part 1 in case you missed it. You should read all of the parts in numerological order as some information is mentioned in beforehand and will assume that you’ve read the previous parts.Continue Reading…

The Ultramind Solution – My Notes, Part 1

This post is the first part out of several in which i divulge what I believe is the most important information from the book UltraMind Solution, written by Dr Mark Hyman M.D.Continue Reading…

Working Out in Flow-State Part 2 – Perfect Flow VS Imperfect Flow

Tiger in flow!

In part 1 I described how to get started and briefly explained the characteristics of flow.

In this post I’ll finish the example of how I get into flow before and in the gym and describe how it feels to be in two different kinds of flow as well as identify a couple of differences between them and also give a few pointers I feel are important on the subject.

Continue Reading…

Working Out in Flow-State Part 1 – Pre Workout Routine

In this post I’ll do my best to shed some light on the biggest key reason to why I consistently get good results and intense pleasure while working out and exercising in general.

This is post will be about getting into…


Once you’ve learned this, you’ll love working out and hitting the gym. You’ll probably get addicted to it.Continue Reading…